Terrícola books
Design and layout for poetry books collection Llibres de l’Afrau, by Terrícola Editorial. Initial design made with Albert Grèbol at Can Cun, and continued as Núria Vila from the 8th book onwards.
Client: Terrícola editions
Year: 2016-17

Each design aims to transmit the maximum of the book’s essence with the minimum elements. The colors of the covers change in each book, as well as the ink in the interior pages.
The graphic resources in the collection have been evolving: gradient pages have been incorporated and the use of white ink in some covers.

We had to use recycled paper and only one ink for each book, and with the colorful covers we had used color paper with a dry blow, printing just the name of the author.

The design of the second edition of platelets it’s based into the pairing between poetry and wine. About this we designed a book throughout an A4 using paper colors and black ink. A bottle of wine was incorporated, accompanying the poems through a rubber band, this way the book could be extracted.